Skin concerns on the body

We’re here to help with all your skin concerns, big or small.

Chest and back acne

Blackheads, whiteheads, nodules, and cysts characterize chest and back acne, just like regular acne.

Its contributing factors as the same, too:

  • Genetics. Acne can run in families, making it more likely for you to get acne if your parents or siblings have it.
  • Hormonal changes or imbalances. Puberty, pregnancy, menstruation, and starting or stopping birth control pills can also contribute to acne. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is another hormonal condition that can make women more likely to develop acne.
  • Stress. Studies have found that people with higher stress hormones can trigger sebum production, which clogs pores and causes breakouts.
  • Diet. High-glycemic foods, like simple carbohydrates (white rice, white bread, potatoes) and sugary treats, can trigger acne in some people. There are some indications that dairy products (especially skim milk) may influence acne breakouts, too.
  • Comedogenic products. Products that clog pores, like heavy creams, oil-based skincare, and cosmetics, can trigger acne.
  • Medication. Certain medications—including steroids, lithium, diuretics, and some antidepressants—can cause side effect-related acne.


Topical treatments

Topical medications with:

  • Salicylic acid
  • Benzoyl peroxide
  • Retinoids

—are common treatment ingredients for mild to moderate acne. They work to regulate oil production and kill bacteria-clogging pores.

Oral treatments

Oral medications like antibiotics and isotretinoin can treat moderate to severe acne that doesn’t respond to topical medications.

Antibiotics are usually prescribed to help clear the skin of acne-causing bacteria, though only for a short period to minimize antibiotic resistance.

Isotretinoin, on the other hand, may be used for a longer period (up to 6 months), but it requires careful dosing and regular monitoring with your dermatologist to avoid any adverse side effects.

In-clinic treatments

In-clinic treatments like:

  • Extractions
  • Chemical peels
  • Cortisone injections
  • Laser therapy

—and combining them with topical medications can improve the efficacy of your treatment while also addressing other skin concerns. These treatments are both highly effective and produce the fewest side effects—making them our go-to remedy for treating acne.

Dark, rough, and chicken skin

While we often talk about dark, rough, and chicken skin as one overarching concern, these three conditions are often mistaken for these two categories: hyperpigmentation and keratosis pilaris.


Hyperpigmentation is the condition that causes the skin to produce excess melanin, resulting in darker patches of skin on the body, particularly the knees, elbows, and underarms. Some common causes include:

  • Friction. The skin on the knees, elbows, and underarms is subject to a lot of friction that can cause thickening and darkening over time. This occurs more often in overweight people and those with skin folds.
  • Hormonal changes or imbalances. Hormonal changes can cause the skin to produce more melanin, leading to hyperpigmentation—especially in women going through menopause and those taking birth control pills.
  • Medications. Some medications can cause increased melanin production in the skin, resulting in hyperpigmentation. These include birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy, and some antidepressants, antihistamines, and blood pressure medications.
  • Skin infections. Fungal infections and eczema, among other causes of skin infection, can cause darkened patches or spots on the body.
  • Skin irritation. Excessive exposure to the sun, harsh soaps and chemicals, and even certain fabrics can irritate your skin and cause hyperpigmentation.

Keratosis pilaris

Keratosis pilaris (KP), or “chicken skin,” is a condition that can affect people of all ages. The bumps and discolored patches on the backs of arms and thighs result from the buildup of keratin, a hard protein that protects the skin from harmful substances and infection. This buildup blocks the opening of hair follicles, resulting in rough and bumpy skin patches.

Although the exact cause of KP is unknown, genetic factors inherited from a parent could play a role in developing this condition, as well as environmental triggers like sunlight or immune system responses to bacteria or yeast. KP is a harmless skin condition; however, the plugs it causes can be visibly noticeable and irritating if they rub against clothing or other skin.

Dark, rough, and chicken skin elsewhere

There are also types of dark, rough, and chicken skin that don’t fall under those two categories. For example, rough skin, separate from keratosis pilaris, is often caused by a build-up of dead skin cells; and certain conditions—such as eczema or psoriasis—can accelerate the accumulation. You might also mistake chicken skin in your underarms for keratosis pilaris, but it can be a side-effect of abrasive hair removal methods, like plucking or waxing.


Topical treatments

Topical treatments with certain ingredients can help lighten hyperpigmentation or treat keratosis pilaris:

  • Depigmenting agents like:

    • Hydroquinone
    • Vitamin C
    • Arbutin
    • Kojic acid
    • Niacinamide
  • Retinoids
  • Glycolic acid
  • Azelaic acid
  • Salicylic Acid

—which your dermatologist can prescribe, either individually or in combination.

Oral treatments

Oral medications may include:

  • Tranexamic acid
  • Glutathione

—which inhibit the body’s melanin production and treat hyperpigmentation. These treatments are available over-the-counter or through your dermatologist’s prescription to pair with topical treatments.

In-clinic treatments

In-clinic treatments like:

  • Chemical peels
  • Laser therapy

—can be prescribed in addition to topical medications to treat unwanted hyperpigmentation or keratosis pilaris effectively.


Tattoos are considered a permanent form of body modification because the ink is injected into the second layer of skin, where it’s difficult—if not impossible—to remove. While the tattooing process itself is relatively simple, removing a tattoo can be more difficult and time-consuming than getting one.

There are several things to consider when it comes to the permanence and difficulty in removing tattoos:

  • Ink type. Different tattoo inks have varying degrees of erasability. Some inks may be more difficult to erase than others, such as those containing metal pigments or specific colors.
  • Location. Because blood circulation is important in tattoo fading, tattoos in areas with low blood circulation take longer to fade, making them more difficult to remove.
  • Age. Older tattoos are typically easier to erase than newer tattoos, as the ink has had more time to fade and disseminate throughout the skin.
  • Skin type. People with darker skin may have a harder time removing tattoos due to the risk of skin pigmentation changes.


The most widely used technique for tattoo removal is laser therapy. With laser therapy, an intense beam of light breaks down the ink into tiny particles that your body can absorb or eliminate through regular processes like sweating or urinating.


Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and can spread through skin-to-skin contact. They vary in size and texture, from flat to raised bumps on the skin’s surface. Warts may be flesh-colored but can also range from light brown to dark gray or black, often appearing in clusters, but some warts can occur alone.

When you’re considering whether to see a dermatologist about a wart or having it removed, keep the following factors in mind:

  • Type of wart. There are various wart types—common, plantar, and flat varieties. Each type requires a different course of treatment, so it’s important to identify the specific kind you have correctly.
  • Location. Warts on particular body parts, like the hands or face, may be more challenging to treat because they frequently grow deeper and are more resistant to therapy.
  • Size and number. Treating large or numerous warts may be more difficult, and the treatment may need to be more aggressive.
  • Immune system. People with weakened immune systems, such as those who have HIV or cancer, are more likely to develop warts and may find them harder to treat.


Topical treatments

Topical medications that contain:

  • Salicylic acid
  • Cantharidin
  • Podophyllin

—help soften the wart and stimulate the immune system to fight the virus.

In-clinic treatments

In-clinic treatments like:

  • Electrocautery
  • Cryotherapy
  • Laser therapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Excision

—can be prescribed in addition to other topical medications by your dermatologist to treat warts more effectively.

Not sure where to start?

No worries. Your Remedy journey begins with a consultation with one of our dermatologists. Tell them about your skin goals, lifestyle, and habits so that they can give you expert, personalized advice for all your skin needs.

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